

CDH offers a wide range of products Under Chemistry including products of Organic Compound & inorganic Compound providing an innovative and comprehensive range of reagents, chemical synthesis.

601 to 650 of 2002 item(s) displayed
Product Code Product Name CAS TDS MSDS
025998 Aceto Acetanilide Tech. 102-01-2 Specs MSDS
001520 Aceto Hydroxamic Acid 546-88-3 Specs MSDS
001320 Acetone Cyanohydrin for Synthesis 75-86-5 Specs MSDS
027030 Acetophenone 98-86-2 Specs MSDS
451005 Acetophenone AR 98-86-2 Specs MSDS
451095 Acetyl Acetone AR 123-54-6 Specs MSDS
027035 Acetyl Acetone for Synthesis 123-54-6 Specs MSDS
027037 Acetyl Chloride for Synthesis 75-36-5 Specs MSDS
027045 Acrylamide 79-06-1 Specs MSDS
451365 Acrylamide 3X CRYST AR 79-06-1 Specs MSDS
910550 Acrylamide 3x cryst. For molecular biology DNase, RNase, protease And Phosphate not detected 79-06-1 Specs MSDS
910548 Acrylamide for Electrophoresis 79-06-1 Specs MSDS
910560 Acrylamide for Electrophoresis (Low Conductance<5uS/cm) 3x Crystallised 79-06-1 Specs MSDS
025974 Acrylic Acid for Synthesis 79-10-7 Specs MSDS
452025 Acrylonitrile AR (Vinyl Cyanide) 107-13-1 Specs MSDS
027047 Acrylonitrile Stabilised for Synthesis (Vinyl Cyanide) 107-13-1 Specs MSDS
027049 Adipic Acid Pure 124-04-9 Specs MSDS
003550 Ajmalicine Pure 483-04-5 Specs MSDS
003570 Ajmaline Pure 4360-12-7 Specs MSDS
025969 Aleuritic Acid 533-87-9 Specs MSDS
042010 Allantoin Fine Powder 97-59-6 Specs MSDS
453835 Allyl Alcohol AR (2-propen-1-ol) 107-18-6 Specs MSDS
025981 Allyl Alcohol for Synthesis (2-Propan-1-ol) 107-18-6 Specs MSDS
004550 Allyl Bromide (3-Bromo-1-Propene) (Stabilised with Silver Wire) 106-95-6 Specs MSDS
025984 Allyl Chloride for Synthesis 107-05-1 Specs MSDS
004600 Allyl Iodide (3-Iodo-1-Propene)` 556-56-9 Specs MSDS
454645 Aluminon AR/ACS Reagent for Aluminium 569-58-4 Specs MSDS
007650 Amino Guanidine Bicarbonate (1-Aminoguanidinium Hydrogen Carbonate, Guanylhydrazine Bicarbonate Salt) for Synthesis 2582-30-1 Specs MSDS
703740 Ammonia Soln. for HPLC Concentration In Water ~10% 1336-21-6 Specs MSDS
009305 Ammonia Solution 1336-21-6 Specs MSDS
009315 Ammonia Solution 1336-21-6 Specs MSDS
456145 Ammonia Solution AR 1336-21-6 Specs MSDS
456165 Ammonia Solution AR/ACS 1336-21-6 Specs MSDS
025924 Ammonium Thioglycollate Abt 59% 5421-46-5 Specs MSDS
010455 Amyl Benzoate for Synthesis 2049-96-9 Specs MSDS
010595 Amyl Formate for Synthesis 638-49-3 Specs MSDS
010605 Amyl Isobutyrate for Synthesis 106-27-4 Specs MSDS
010615 Amyl Isovalerate for Synthesis 25415-62-7 Specs MSDS
010625 Amyl Phenyl Acetate for Synthesis 5137-52-0 Specs MSDS
010635 Amyl Propionate for Synthesis 624-54-4 Specs MSDS
010645 Amyl Salicylate for Synthesis 2050-08-0 Specs MSDS
010865 Anethole for Synthesis 4180-23-8 Specs MSDS
458205 Aniline AR 62-53-3 Specs MSDS
027226 Aniline for Synthesis 62-53-3 Specs MSDS
027229 Aniline Hydrochloride for Synthesis 142-04-1 Specs MSDS
027230 Aniline Sulphate 542-16-5 Specs MSDS
027231 Anisaldehyde 123-11-5 Specs MSDS
011395 Anisic Alcohol for Synthesis (Anise Alcohol, Anisyl Alcohol) 105-13-5 Specs MSDS
014611 Anthracene for Scintillation grade 120-12-7 Specs MSDS
026017 Anthracene Pure (Blue Fluorescence) 120-12-7 Specs MSDS