

CDH offers a wide range of products Under Chemistry including products of Organic Compound & inorganic Compound providing an innovative and comprehensive range of reagents, chemical synthesis.

1951 to 2000 of 2002 item(s) displayed
Product Code Product Name CAS TDS MSDS
030511 Triethylene Glycol (Trigol) 112-27-6 Specs MSDS
026212 Triethylene Tetramine 112-24-3 Specs MSDS
247925 Triethylsilane for Synthesis 617-86-7 Specs MSDS
248195 Trifluoro acetic Anhydride for Sequential Analysis 407-25-0 Specs MSDS
249215 Trimethyl Chloro Silane for Synthesis 75-77-4 Specs MSDS
249335 Trimethyl Orthoformate for Synthesis 149-73-5 Specs MSDS
249405 Trimethyl Orthovalerate for Synthesis 13820-09-2 Specs MSDS
249575 Trimethyl Phosphite 121-45-9 Specs MSDS
664535 Trimethyl Phosphite AR 121-45-9 Specs MSDS
664775 Trimethyl Phosphono Acetate AR 5927-18-4 Specs MSDS
664875 Trimethyl Silyl Triflate (Tms-Otf, Trimethylsilyl Trifluoro-Methane sulphonate) AR 27607-77-8 Specs MSDS
249725 Trimethyl Sulphoxonium Iodide for Synthesis 1774-47-6 Specs MSDS
249865 Trimethylol Propane (2-Ethyl-2-Hydroxymethyl-1, 3 Propanediol) 77-99-6 Specs MSDS
249915 Trimethylolpropane Triacrylate Technical Grade 15625-89-5 Specs MSDS
250025 Trioctylamine for Synthesis 1116-76-3 Specs MSDS
250165 Triolein for Biochemistry 122-32-7 Specs MSDS
250315 Tripalmitin for Synthesis 555-44-2 Specs MSDS
250415 Triphenyl Amine for Synthesis 603-34-9 Specs MSDS
250525 Triphenyl Arsine Oxide for Synthesis 1153-05-5 Specs MSDS
665185 Triphenyl Carbinol AR 76-84-6 Specs MSDS
024249 Triphenyl Methane 519-73-3 Specs MSDS
030536 Triphenyl Phosphate 115-86-6 Specs MSDS
030537 Triphenyl Phosphine 603-35-0 Specs MSDS
250735 Triphenyl Phosphite for Synthesis 101-02-0 Specs MSDS
250615 Triphenylethyl phosphonium Bromide for Synthesis 1530-32-1 Specs MSDS
250845 Triphenylsilane for Synthesis 789-25-3 Specs MSDS
250975 Triphosgene for Synthesis 32315-10-9 Specs MSDS
251115 Tripropylamine for Synthesis 102-69-2 Specs MSDS
251615 Tristearin for Synthesis 555-43-1 Specs MSDS
251725 Trityl Chloride (Chloro triphenyl methane) 76-83-5 Specs MSDS
252185 Tryptamine Hydrochloride Extra Pure for Biochemistry 343-94-2 Specs MSDS
257015 Undecylenic Acid for Synthesis 112-38-9 Specs MSDS
671605 Uranyl Acetate AR (Only Enduser) 6159-44-0 Specs MSDS
257135 Uranyl Magnesium Acetate (Only Enduser) 66735-86-2 Specs MSDS
671725 Uranyl Nitrate AR (Only Enduser) 13520-83-7 Specs MSDS
257225 Uranyl Zinc Acetate (Only Enduser) 10138-94-0 Specs MSDS
671815 Urea AR Special Quality for Biochemical Purpose Meets Analytical Specification of IP, BP, USP, Ph. Eur 57-13-6 Specs MSDS
030558 Urea Cryst. Pure for Biochemistry 57-13-6 Specs MSDS
990000 Urea for Molecular Biology 57-13-6 Specs MSDS
024195 Urea Phosphate 4861-19-2 Specs MSDS
045204 Urea Specially Purified for enzyme work 57-13-6 Specs MSDS
671855 Uric Acid AR Used as substrate in determination of Uricase 69-93-2 Specs MSDS
257715 Usnic Acid for Synthesis 7562-61-0 Specs MSDS
259935 Valeronitrile (Butyl Cyanide) 110-59-8 Specs MSDS
260045 Valerophenone for Synthesis 1009-14-9 Specs MSDS
260135 Valeroyl Chloride for Synthesis 638-29-9 Specs MSDS
676815 Vanillin AR 121-33-5 Specs MSDS
030569 Vanillin for synthesis 121-33-5 Specs MSDS
260915 Vanillyl Mandelic Acid (Vma) for Biochemistry (Dl-4-Hydroxy-3-Methoxy Mandelicacid) 55-10-7 Specs MSDS
261010 Veratric Acid (3,4-Dimethoxybenzoic Acid) for Synthesis 93-07-2 Specs MSDS