Dehydrated Culture Media

Dehydrated Culture Media
MICROGEN dehydrated culture media products are made of high quality ingredients so as to produce maximum good results as expected by our customers. It is of great significance to know the functions and reactions of a particular ingredient and its interaction with other ingredients in a media. Here arises the necessity of strict evaluation of the ingredients. In MICROGEN each and every culture media ingredient undergoes thorough testing prior to manufacturing by our well-equipped and highly efficient quality control department. Maximum quality control measures are taken throughout the manufacturing process to give the desired results. It will be our greatest effort to provide products of maximum attainable quality to our customers. We serve a wide range of dehydrated culture media products to meet the various requirements of Dairy, Pharmaceuticals, Veterinary, Cosmetics, Water Treatment, Public Health and Medical Microbiology departments. We are leading microbiological dehydrated culture media manufacturers & suppliers in Delhi India.
3001 to 3050 of 3142 item(s) displayed
Product Code Product Name TDS MSDS
MG1581 Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar w/o?Lactose, Granulated Specs MSDS
MG1581H Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar,?Granulated Specs MSDS
MCD1581 Violet Red Bile Glucose MiCynth™?Agar w/o lactose Specs MSDS
MCD1049 Violet Red Bile MiCynth™ Agar Specs MSDS
VM1581 Violet Red Glucose MiVeg™ Agarw/o Lactose Specs MSDS
VM1049 Violet Red MiVeg™ Agar Specs MSDS
VM1458 Violet Red MiVeg™ Broth Specs MSDS
DM2684U Violet-Red Bile Agar with Glucose?and Lactose Specs MSDS
DM1417 Vitamin B?? Agar Specs MSDS
DM1208 Vitamin Free Yeast Base Specs MSDS
DM1023M Vogel Johnson Agar Medium 22.?(In accordance with IP 2007) Specs MSDS
MCD1023 Vogel Johnson MiCynth™ Agar Base w/o Tellurite (V.J. MiCynth™ Agar) Specs MSDS
DM1023F Vogel- Johnson Agar Base w/ 1.5% Agar Specs MSDS
DM 1023 Vogel-DMhnson Agar Base w/o Tellurite (V.J. Agar) Specs MSDS
DM1023U Vogel-Johnson Agar Medium Specs MSDS
VM1023 Vogel-Johnson MiVeg™ Agar Basew/o Tellurite (V. J. MiVeg™ Agar) Specs MSDS
DM1070F Voges Proskauer Medium, Modified Specs MSDS
DM1662 VP Medium Specs MSDS
DM3095I VP Medium for Listeria Specs MSDS
VM1662 VP MiVeg™ Medium Specs MSDS
VM1626 Wagatsuma MiVeg™ Agar Base Specs MSDS
DM1918 Wang’s Semisolid Medium Specs MSDS
VM1918 Wang’s Semisolid MiVeg™ Medium Specs MSDS
DM2366 Water Agar Specs MSDS
DM2059 Wayne Sulphatase Agar Base Specs MSDS
DM2740 Welshimers Broth, Modified Specs MSDS
DM 2152 Wesley Broth Base Specs MSDS
VM2152 Wesley MiVeg™ Broth Base Specs MSDS
DM2849 Wild Yeast Medium Specs MSDS
DM 1832 Wilkins Chalgren Anaerobic Agar Base Specs MSDS
DM 1863 Wilkins Chalgren Anaerobic Broth Base Specs MSDS
VM1832 Wilkins Chalgren Anaerobic MiVeg™Agar Base Specs MSDS
VM1863 Wilkins Chalgren Anaerobic MiVeg™Broth Base Specs MSDS
DM2375 Willis and Hobb’s Medium Base Specs MSDS
DM1331M Wilson and Blair's BBS Agar (Medium 10) (Triple pack) Specs MSDS
DM 1331 Wilson Blair Agar Base Specs MSDS
DM 1332 Wilson Blair Agar w/BG Specs MSDS
VM1331 Wilson Blair MiVeg™ Agar Base Specs MSDS
VM1332 Wilson Blair MiVeg™ Agar w/ BG Specs MSDS
DM2060 WL Differential Agar Specs MSDS
DM1410 WL Differential Broth Specs MSDS
VM2060 WL Differential MiVeg™ Agar Specs MSDS
VM1410 WL Differential MiVeg™ Broth Specs MSDS
DM1050 WL Nutrient Broth Specs MSDS
DM1115F WL Nutrient Medium Specs MSDS
VM1050 WL Nutrient MiVeg™ Broth Specs MSDS
VM1115 WL Nutrient MiVeg™ Medium Specs MSDS
DM 1129 Wort Agar Specs MSDS
MG1129 Wort Agar, Granulated Specs MSDS
DM 1333 Wort Broth Specs MSDS