5801 to 5850 of 12440 item(s) displayed
Product Code Product Name CAS TDS MSDS
DM 1876S Kauffman Mueller's Tetrathionate Broth Base N.A Specs MSDS
DM1695 Kenknight & Munaier�s Medium N.A Specs MSDS
131215 Kerosene (Low Odour) 8008-20-6 Specs MSDS
DM 1248 KF Streptococcal Agar Base N.A Specs MSDS
DM 1249 KF Streptococcal Broth Base N.A Specs MSDS
MCD1248 KF Streptococcal MiCynth™ Agar Base N.A Specs MSDS
VM1248 KF Streptococcal MiVeg™ Agar Base N.A Specs MSDS
VM1249 KF Streptococcal MiVeg™ Broth Base N.A Specs MSDS
MG2007 KF Streptococcus Agar Base w/ BCP,?Granulated N.A Specs MSDS
DM 2007 KF Streptococcus Agar w/BCP N.A Specs MSDS
DM 2021 KF Streptococcus Broth Base w/BCP N.A Specs MSDS
DM 1658 KG Agar Base N.A Specs MSDS
VM1658 KG MiVeg™ Agar Base N.A Specs MSDS
033062 Kieselguhr White Purified and Ignited 61790-53-2 Specs MSDS
DM3091 Kim and Rhee (KR) Agar N.A Specs MSDS
DM2232 Kimmig Fungi Agar Base N.A Specs MSDS
MG2232 Kimmig Fungi Agar Base, Granulated N.A Specs MSDS
VM2232 Kimmig Fungi MiVeg™ Agar Base N.A Specs MSDS
MS 2111 Kimmin Selective Supplement (Twin Pack) N.A Specs MSDS
PCT1806 Kinetin 99.0% Plant Culture Tested 525-79-1 Specs MSDS
559255 Kinetin AR Plant growth Stimulator, Causes rapid cell division 525-79-1 Specs MSDS
PCT2406 Kinetin Solution w/ 1 mg/ml Kinetin in sterile distilled water Sterile filtered Plant Culture Tested N.A Specs MSDS
DM 2235 King's OF Medium Base N.A Specs MSDS
MG2543 King’s Medium A Base, Granulated N.A Specs MSDS
MG2544 King’s Medium B Base, Granulated N.A Specs MSDS
DM2543 Kings Medium A Base N.A Specs MSDS
DM2544 Kings Medium B Base N.A Specs MSDS
DM2544F Kings Medium B Base w/ 1.5% Agar N.A Specs MSDS
VM2235 Kings OF Medium Base, MiVeg™ N.A Specs MSDS
DM1161 Kirchner Medium Base, Modified N.A Specs MSDS
MS 2072 KL Virulence Enrichment (20 ml per vial) N.A Specs MSDS
MS 2225 Klebsiella Selective Supplement N.A Specs MSDS
SM 1078 Kligler Iron Agar N.A Specs MSDS
DM 1078 Kligler Iron Agar N.A Specs MSDS
DM 1078I Kligler Iron Agar N.A Specs MSDS
MG1078 Kligler Iron Agar, Granulated N.A Specs MSDS
DM 1078A Kligler Iron Agar, Modified N.A Specs MSDS
MCD1078 Kligler Iron MiCynth™ Agar N.A Specs MSDS
VM1078 Kligler Iron MiVeg™ Agar N.A Specs MSDS
TS 2060 Knudson C Orchid Macroelements (Morel Modification) N.A Specs MSDS
PT 1038 Knudson C Orchid Medium (Morel Modification) (w/ Macroelements & Microelements; w/o Vitamins, Sucrose & Agar) N.A Specs MSDS
PT 1066 Knudson C Orchid Medium (Morel Modification) (w/ Sucrose; w/o Vitamins & Agar) N.A Specs MSDS
PT 1006 Knudson C Orchid Medium (w/ Sucrose; w/o Vitamins & Agar) N.A Specs MSDS
TS 2059 Knudson C Orchid Microelements (100X) N.A Specs MSDS
DM 1142 Kohn Two Tube Medium No. 1 Base N.A Specs MSDS
DM 1802 Kohn Two Tube Medium No. 2 N.A Specs MSDS
VM1802 Kohn Two Tube MiVeg™ Medium No.2 N.A Specs MSDS
131405 Kojic Acid (5-Hydroxy-2-Hydroxymethyl -4-Pyranone) 501-30-4 Specs MSDS
DM 1069 Koser Citrate Medium N.A Specs MSDS
854500 Kovac's Indole Reagent N.A Specs MSDS