1601 to 1650 of 12439 item(s) displayed
Product Code Product Name CAS TDS MSDS
027258 Antimony Trichloride 10025-91-9 Specs MSDS
459365 Antimony Trichloride AR/ACS 10025-91-9 Specs MSDS
011985 Antimony Trifluoride Pure (Antimony (III) Fluoride) 7783-56-4 Specs MSDS
459455 Antimony Trioxide AR 1309-64-4 Specs MSDS
027261 Antimony Trioxide Pure 1309-64-4 Specs MSDS
DM2336 Antimycotic Sensitivity Test Agar N.A Specs MSDS
DM 2346 Antinbiotic Assay Medium B N.A Specs MSDS
011990 Antipyrine (Phenazone) 60-80-0 Specs MSDS
PCT2313 Apple Green Colour Plant Culture Tested N.A Specs MSDS
PCT1411 Apple Pectin, Plant Culture Tested 9000-69-5 Specs MSDS
PCT1401 Apple Powder (Malus sylvestris) Plant Culture Tested N.A Specs MSDS
012095 Aprotinin From Bovine Lung Activity Min 5400 KIU/mg for Biochemistry 9087-70-1 Specs MSDS
TC1717 Aprotinin Source: Bovine lung, Cell Culture Tested 9087-70-1 Specs MSDS
914890 Aprotinin, From Bovine Lung For Molecular Biology Specific activity : 3.0 PEU/mg (5400 KIU/mg) 9087-70-1 Specs MSDS
DM2291 APRY Agar Base N.A Specs MSDS
DM2292 APRY Broth Base N.A Specs MSDS
DM 1226 APT Agar N.A Specs MSDS
MG1226 APT Agar, Granulated N.A Specs MSDS
DM 1227 APT Broth N.A Specs MSDS
VM1226 APT MiVeg™ Agar N.A Specs MSDS
VM1227 APT MiVeg™ Broth N.A Specs MSDS
PT 1083 Arabidopsis Callus Initiation Medium (w/ Vitamins, Sucrose, 2,4-D & Kinetin; w/o Agar) N.A Specs MSDS
PT 1156 Arabidopsis Seed Germination Medium (w/ Sucrose & Agar) N.A Specs MSDS
DM2576 Arabinose Agar Base N.A Specs MSDS
TC1389 Arachidonic Acid Cell Culture Tested 506-32-1 Specs MSDS
038009 Arceoline Hydrobromide 300-08-3 Specs MSDS
DM2637 Arcobacter Broth Base N.A Specs MSDS
DM2894 Arcobacter Selective Broth Base N.A Specs MSDS
MS 2304 Arcobacter Selective Supplement N.A Specs MSDS
DM 1619 Arginine Dihydrolase Broth N.A Specs MSDS
VM1619 Arginine Dihydrolase MiVeg™ Broth N.A Specs MSDS
DM2644I Arginine Dihydrolyse Saline Broth N.A Specs MSDS
DM2869 Arginine-Glucose Yeast extract Agar N.A Specs MSDS
459635 Arsenazo I AR (Neothorone) 520-10-5 Specs MSDS
459725 Arsenazo III AR 62337-00-2 Specs MSDS
807100 Arsenic (As) CRISTAR 10000 ppm Single Element Standard for ICP in HNO3 In Accordance with NIST N.A Specs MSDS
807002 Arsenic (As) CPECTROSOL� Atomic Absorption Std. Soln. Contains 1000 mg/lit AAS in Diluted HCl in Accordance With NIST N.A Specs MSDS
807000 Arsenic (As) CPECTROSOL� Atomic Absorption Std. Soln. Contains 1000 mg/lit AAS in HNO3 In Accordance With NIST N.A Specs MSDS
807050 Arsenic CRISTAR® 1000 ppm Single Element Standard for ICP in HNO3 in Accordance With NIST N.A Specs MSDS
012465 Arsenic Metal Reference Standard 7440-38-2 Specs MSDS
012475 Arsenic Metal Lump 7440-38-2 Specs MSDS
012575 Arsenic Pentoxide for Synthesis 1303-28-2 Specs MSDS
012585 Arsenic Sulphide for Synthesis (Arsenic Trisulphide) 1303-33-9 Specs MSDS
459815 Arsenic Trioxide AR 1327-53-3 Specs MSDS
025910 Arsenic Trioxide Pract 1327-53-3 Specs MSDS
DM2942 Artificial Sea Water Salts Broth N.A Specs MSDS
PT 1153 Artificial Seawater Nutrient Medium (III) N.A Specs MSDS
025968 Asbestos for Gooch Crucibles 1332-21-4 Specs MSDS
459905 Ascarite AR 1.6-3 mm Acid Washed Absorption capacity for CO2 1310-73-2 Specs MSDS
012685 Ascorbate Oxidase ex.Cucumber SP. Lyophilized Powder, Activity 9029-44-1 Specs MSDS